Access Points to Female Liberation

The glittering, bursting, shiny-eyed masses of human life that Earth teems with all come from women. We, women, are all Goddess. That is, are all divine creators of the mystery that is life. A woman can open to allow entrance from without, to within the depths of her human body. Through this physical opening, women can take in male genetic material. And by mixing this with the stuff of her own body, in her womb, she grows an entirely new living human babe, body and soul. This is the only way human life comes about. Inside of her lies the veil between the seen and unseen! She stands as an enigmatic structure of conjuring, capable of unfathomable miracles. Furthermore, her body and its unique biological ability alone can provide ideal physical and spiritual nourishment to sustain the new life she creates. Her inveterate devotion is the utmost expression of love that exists. Women are the Divine Creator humans deeply long to revere, the source of life and love. Women are Goddess.

Even so, women, for centuries now, are born into crippling gruesome oppression. How could it be that the living root of creation must need to resist being oppressed, to exercise her full and joyous matriarchal glory?  How existentially gross to toil in the filth of oppression for what is already one’s right! How tiring and dowdy to labor to free oneself from the constraints of violence, degradation, and exploitation! Liberation is a passage to women’s birthright?! Its humbling force tells quite the opposite story. The story of women has been one of degradation, not a narrative of rising to reverence!

To naturally desire and act for liberation from the oppression she cannot ignore is women’s ongoing response to global female oppression. This work is taken up in a variety of ways, both subtle and flashy, by resilient women, on behalf of all. Women, nothing short of Divine Goddess in human form, to uphold female integrity in the sad and trying state of affairs that is global female oppression, come intimately in contact with the deepest, most grotesquely sickening aspects of human life. That is human life that is created by the very same Goddess who therein must apparently soil herself with what she has created. This soiling has hallmarked my life, and that of almost every woman I have ever known, or even known of. So of course, I’m utterly ecstatic to share what I have learned, through luck and desperation! My good news is, there is a way out of this, many ways out actually.

Growth and refinement on every level is Divine work, women’s work. It happens first naturally as women meet with the filth of oppression and manage still to live through it and even to create, sustain and nourish new life. All the while, her body’s dynamic physiological response to her environment cascades as it has for eons in the interest of survival. This rushing river of feminine resilience offers a few access points to female liberation through which she can step in, take responsibility for existence as it is, and effectively manipulate it in, and into excellence. This is the work of liberation that can free any woman who is willing and able to do it, from the filthy toil of just surviving.

For women to move beyond the state of survival we all must first contend with the pointed aim of male-dominant culture to wash out the self-awareness of being Goddess…But what brilliance can accomplish such a significant lack of self-awareness in Divine beings who create and sustain human life on Earth? No less than the brilliance of women ourselves! Since girlhood, submission to male dominance is taught by force. Females are physically damaged, invaded, and belittled from birth by males. Even those who manage to avoid overt harm grow up in a lesser class than males. Women are patterned and shaped by this and continue to submit to it into adulthood and this thoughtlessly results in our willful collaboration. Women are thus ordinarily reduced to the sexually subservient class we live in today. Submission of women to male dominance can be seen most apparently in women habitually upholding beauty standards of the male-dominant culture. The daily disguising, the immobilization with fashionable clothing, the ritual disfiguring, and the constant belittling from self and others, these behaviors uphold male-dominant cultural standards. Taken together they work efficiently at emulsifying the integrity of individual women, and so the integrity of the collective female presence on earth. And beauty standards aren’t the only way women submit to men. The submission also takes place through the untrained thought patterns and resultant beliefs of women growing up in oppression. Since oppression is the regular state of women globally, this submission is also happening globally. Ordinarily, but not absolutely.

It was very hard to do, but even with the cost, it has been for fifteen years, and remains imperative for me to relinquish whatever ties me to this subservience. To learn what that is, I start by observing the constant flow of my breath, and the sensations of my body. Then, I insist that I trust they will push me toward ease, balance, and even bliss. Under layers of habits, beyond the obliterating force of my fear of the unknown, and despite the influences and desires of others, I can hear what to do, if I center the voices of my body. These are the voices of Goddess. And “what one woman can do, all women can do,” knowingly said Sister Morningstar. Through this practice, I now know that I am the authority responsible for the integrity of my body. I have learned to identify the best interest of my body and I am committed to acting on it. Here is one of the offered access points to liberation.

Submitting to male dominance and our oppression happens in another way too. We collaborate with male dominance unless we take responsibility for controlling our thoughts. Thoughts lead to actions, and controlling one’s thoughts is a powerful means of controlling one’s actions. This too is an access point to liberation! The possibility of lucid manipulation of our continued behavior is as simple as controlling our thoughts. Actions follow thoughts, and thoughts can, thrillingly, be controlled! I found valuable self-mastery tools to rearrange my thinking and relieve myself of stifling beliefs. And I lean on the integrity of my body to do it. “There is no personal psychology that is separate from what the body has learned about life,” said Andrea Dworkin. As the authority of my integrity, I create new, adaptive beliefs based on the knowledge of my worth and capability.

Women’s ingrained, habitual, [but scarcely rewarded,] submission and collaboration to male dominance is nothing but a knee-jerk error. This fateful mishandling of a certain point of power women have in our oppression comes from never having learned to control our thoughts. This errant fumble is behind women’s lowness. But it stops when women learn to think of themselves as Goddess. This case of casual dropsy is the cause we cause ourselves of our degraded access to freedom, safety, and privacy. But a Goddess would defy it! It’s sadly indicative of the utter lack of integrity of today’s women; Living life subject to the degradation of a male dominance that could not exist without women’s submission. But enter a self-taught integrity of her thoughts, and it sits poised for liberation.

The realization of the extent of female oppression rightfully brings up feelings of disgust. Especially challenging is the acceptance that we are, albeit at times unknowingly, responsible through acts of submission for our oppression. But since it is us who do it, we are capable of undoing it! The ability to do this is as trustworthy as each woman’s willingness to take responsibility for her bodily integrity, and/or to control her thoughts. To center the voices of her body, her thoughts must be attentive to its authority. And when she controls her thoughts to veer away from self-derision, and towards safety and honor, she naturally controls her actions towards the same. The two are mutually responsive.  Either access point provides a blanket of liberating power. Within this warming shroud she refuses to submit to oppression. In doing so she is withdrawing the brilliant secret weapon used to accomplish global male dominance, which is women’s submission to it. Women can do this. You, woman, can do this. Because you are, after all, Goddess. Within you lies the veil. You stand as an enigmatic structure of conjuring, capable of unfathomable miracles.