Sexual-Spiritual Disembodiment of Women; Litany Against Male Dominion

Art: “Goddess” by a girl, aged 14


What is male dominion? 

Why and how does male dominion work? 

What can women do to stop male dominion?


This is part one of a three-part series that will answer these questions by detailing global male dominion, exposing the cause that hides in plain sight, and offering YOU a personal action plan to overcome it.

What is male dominion?


Male dominion, the global dominance of men, is a catastrophic modern aberration achieved through the terroristic, diasporic, ritualized, coerced disembodiment of women. Consequently for me, and I’m not alone, this disembodiment led to a debilitating disease. It’s the combined effect of the pressured disembodiment of women that has allowed men to take dominion. 


Look to your own life to find equally compelling evidence that you are being forcibly alienated from self-awareness, self-loyalty, and self-esteem by coerced disembodiment rituals employed via cultural channels, both social and institutional,  under male dominion, AKA patriarchy.  (I use “male dominion” because the more commonplace word, “patriarchy” has recently been overused and lost precision.)


Normalized coercion and intimidation of women, and the disembodiment rituals that these scare tactics ready you to accept, are enacted interpersonally and through various branches of systemic male violence against women. One or more of these is probably how male violence has reached you.   


Traumatizing Goddess


Neutralizing women’s natural Divinity and superiority is the goal of the global female oppression enacted by male dominion. 


Male dominion works to traumatize women out of awareness of our female bodily nature of Goddess, the Divine Creative force. 


Woman, you ARE inherently divine.  Even so, alienation from your body forbids this knowledge from your mind.   


The two X chromosomes of women hold the power to grow life and are the basis of every human female cell.


When you overcome the fear of looking, women’s bodily ways of knowing will reveal to you your nature as the superior sex.  


Women are Goddess.  That means, you, woman, are Goddess.


Women ARE Implicit.


Men’s strategy for dominance requires women’s submission. At this instant, what women seeking equality need to realize is that:


  • sexual assault,


  • sexual and domestic abuse,


  • political, social, and religious inequality, 


  • invasive-pervasive interpersonal energy enslavement of women through romance,


all of these function because of and to enforce the ultimately willful submission of women to men. 


Overall, submission to men is coerced upon women globally using variations of these nefarious techniques.


So here’s the plan, women must learn to withstand and defy coerced submission.  Are you ready?  

Withstand and Defy 


Women have the power to “withstand and defy” submission to male dominance, says Andrea Dworkin in her feminist classic, Intercourse. Intercourse Quotes by Andrea Dworkin (


But what women do not have commonly, is the wisdom or know-how to accomplish this. In particular, how do you withstand and defy male dominion, or are you, like so many, submissive to it?


Women have been shaken from confidence by trauma and lost sight of inherent knowledge of Divinity, bit by bit. This happened as wisdom traditions have been stolen, perverted, and obscured. 


Over about 12,000 years of the male terrorist regime of patriarchy, women have thus transformed from matriarchs to handmaidens.   


Women alive today are in general, the shrunken remnants of a cultural genocide. In spite of that, there’s still hope for you!


It’s definitely not too late!  On the positive side, YOU WILL heal when you overcome the fear of looking at the wounds men have inflicted upon you with their unnatural, gratuitously violent dominion.  


Male dominion is sickening!

The sexual violence I experienced since early childhood from my father and other men caused me enormous emotional pain.  Have you examined what pain you carry from male dominion?

The shame I encountered and internalized as a victim kept me from expressing my pain and sorrow for over a decade.  The question is, are you competent at expressing and managing yours?

Repressing emotions and truth creates strain on the physical body. Owing to that, I was debilitated by multiple sclerosis at twenty-four, sixteen years ago.

I’ve since learned to manage my symptoms by reducing this strain with emotional mastery tools, including establishing protective boundaries from male violence.  The truth is, strain is something in you demanding to be seen!

I figured out what would help me by conducting a ruthless self-inquiry from the brink of death.  Out of pure terror, I overcame the fear of looking at the wounds I’d suffered from men.  It’s my hope that sharing this helps you learn the needed skills of inquiry and expression long before you suffer as I did!

A great first step is your understanding that the disease symptoms of women living in oppression are the symptoms of oppression. If you can take my word on this, you won’t need to experience a similar healing crisis to find out how tragically sickening male dominion is for you.  Together we women can overcome the oppression of male dominion.

So how?


Who will teach us to overcome male dominion?  Can you guess? 


You must turn to yourself and other women!  A point often overlooked is that self-love and sisterhood can orchestrate our survival, and so much more. 


Self-love and sisterhood are the cosmically upscale ‘drugs’ of the impending, embodied Goddess revival ceremony!


And they are readily available to YOU right now!

Want these ‘drugs’?

You can always ask for guidance from Goddess, knowing that your deepest nature is that Divine creative force.  Here are some ways you can dive into a revival ceremony today:

  • Refuse to be owned by any person, dogma, habit, or addiction-YOU ARE YOURS!
  • Embrace radical self-love by saying sweet words to yourself and experimenting with non-mechanical self-pleasuring.
  • Be brave enough to conduct a sincere self-inquiry to find greater health.
  • Release fears of making connections with women for friendship and sacred ceremonies.
  • Be a leader in the reinvention of women’s community.  Start and join women’s circles!

Take my encouragement if you falter.

Your body is your very own wonderland of pleasure and possibility.  Being that, start to be your own best lover, admirer, and trusted helper.

First, say sweet and certain words to yourself.  Follow up by looking lovingly at every choice you make and decide if it’s genuinely good for you or not.  Of course, only you can really know!

Give yourself permission to make connections with other women. Accordingly, you’ll begin to understand that male dominion seeks women’s isolation to prevent you from benefiting from the protective powers women have when we gather.

By embracing radical self-love, and holding women’s circles, I have strengthened my boundaries,  connections, confidence, and self-love.  Concurrently, you can do the same, any woman can.


Channels of Male Dominion


Male dominion is a global cultural state of men’s


  • political 


  • religious


  • artistic


  • mass media


  • social 


  • personal


domination of women. 


The terroristic coercion of disembodiment done to women by men is the strategy universal to all channels of male dominion. Contrarily, your embodiment will protect you from some (all?) of the harm of this domination.


You must, by all means, use immediate, intentional embodiment to upend this abhorrent situation. At this point, liberation through embodiment has been my personal directive for over a decade, and it can be yours too.  


The Universal Strategy


Firstly, the ubiquitous domination of women that pervades every aspect of modern humanity is achieved by men through a frightfully brilliant, but unfailingly predictable strategy.  The strategy is men’s cruelty and violence.  


The goal of this strategy is to orchestrate the self-objectification of women through terroristic acts, that’s the brilliance of it. Once you see this, it will be easy to counteract its harm. Self-objectification is viewing yourself as you imagine others, (men,) might see you, as an object for their use. And it’s a fast track to disembodiment!   


Men, as individuals and as a class, have adopted an absurdly undeserved attitude of superiority over women. In short, men, on the whole, are violent, discordant, unhelpful,  overrated, overblown, and insincere, they don’t deserve to have so much control! (To demonstrate this, part 2 of this series will outline common forms of male violence and their stunning prevalence.)   


In the absence of the learned skills of self-love and sisterhood, it’s likely that you look to men for approval, most women do, and certainly, I have. And in accordance with this, women, once universally revered as Goddess, have mostly become the shaken shadow of our former glory. You don’t need the lack of confidence and connections that women have relied on for survival for a quarter million years to continue, for you.   


Starting to see? The common strategy of global female oppression is the self-objectification of women and girls through coerced disembodiment. This means that the sickening effects of trauma you’ve experienced are not unique to you, but the result of this coercion.  


The solution, and we are all capable of it, is immediate, loving embodiment. This means that the solution is your immediate loving embodiment.     


Cultural genocide engineers submission. 


Women submit. And our submission is our undoing. 


But submission doesn’t happen in a vacuum. Evidently, ignorant of inherent self-protective powers, women are more easily coerced.


No woman uncoerced would submit to inferiority.  But as you can see, (and part 2 will make it even more clear,) no woman lives uncoerced by male dominion.  


Ignorance of our inherent protective power is the goal of the shame and isolation that plagues women in male dominion.  This is why women’s life-giving power, as seen in the blood and tenderness of menstruation and birth, is culturally treated as a shameful inconvenience.  


Blood and tenderness are the ceremony of life as it flows through you. Hence, dishonoring this ceremony with shame makes you unwilling and incapable of protecting it. 

It makes you submissive.  To overcome menstrual shame, or if you are pregnant, to birth in your power, you must accept and honor your rightful authority of Goddess – creatrix of life, as seen in your sacred, life-giving blood.


Are you really alone?


Bullied into isolation from other women in our dependence on men, we lack the needed care and wisdom traditions that are the matriarchal roots of humanity.  As I have said, sisterhood is your birthright!


I am shocked and disgusted that women, the only source from whom life springs forth, have somehow been carrying out life’s miraculous and divine blood mysteries while suffering under global female oppression these last 12,000 years. Before that, humanity’s long history was universally matriarchal and much more peaceful and sustainable.


With negligible input from men, women make babies, and can alone produce the milk to sustain them.  Your body achieves the divine blood mysteries that, by and large, all theology attempts to understand.


You do this naturally, while at the same time, your class (females) is subject to physical and cultural genocide that has obliterated the ancient Goddess-centered religion of the Earth that women created through fathoming these mysteries.  This is how male dominion/patriarchy engineered your submission. 


Releasing your shame about the life-giving blood of your female body will bring the needed comprehension and grace to withstand it.  Is shame about your blood itself an act of submission?   


Men are at fault.


Men, albeit shortsightedly, benefit from forcing their degenerate desires on women.   


And I say degenerate because that is what men are, on a chromosomal level. The Y chromosome is a degenerate of the original, primordial female X chromosome.


Women’s unique power of creating life is being harnessed for men’s spiritual sustenance.  And it’s the harnessing that’s wrong.  


Spiritual sustenance can only come through women.  Just like babies only come through women.  


The thing is, it’s wrong and unnecessary for men to force it.  And gross to force it to contort into ugliness as male dominion does.  


Because women are being taken instead of operating in freedom, our divine creative power can’t benefit any humans as designed.  Identically, when men take their spiritual sustenance from women by force, they hurt women, and so nobody gets it.    

Impossible to take.

By forcing women’s submission through violence, men mangle life.  Ever wonder why the status quo is survival?

Women are humanity’s natural creators.  A woman made you!

Despite a modern culture of certainty in humans’ efforts of clarifying the mysteries of life through science, the male brain is only capable of perpetually contemplating the mystery.  As it moves away from them at the same rate they pursue domination of it.

It’s only women who can make the leap from experiential contemplation to cosmic knowing.  You can share your knowledge with men if they don’t attempt to enforce dominance, but it comes only through you, in freedom.

Just as your humanity demands that you serve yourself first, your ability to access the life-giving spiritual sustenance men want and need from you is shuttered when you are startled and hurt by the grossness of male dominion.  To thrive will be so much better than to just survive!

Your female body is your path to the freedom and pleasure that honors your humanity.  Start refusing the submission of *self-objectification that makes your life ugly, by living immersed in freedom and pleasure every day.

*read on for more about self-objectification



Freedom and pleasure are essential.


Women are perfectly designed to bring life through pleasure and autonomy.  This is exemplified by specialized organs & genitalia.  


The clitoris exists solely in women (adult human females,) to create pleasure.  No male counterpart of this pleasure organ exists.


The individual nature of women’s primate menstrual cycle, (unlike the group estrus of other animals that limits sexual activity to align with fertility) is the blueprint for human freedom.  Human reproduction, as a result of women’s biology, exists as a dynamic flow designed by women’s autonomy.  


Women’s design naturally incorporates freedom and pleasure into creation. Pleasurable autonomy is YOUR birthright. 


Women are unequaled!  We have evolved beyond any other creature on Earth, including men.


This is women’s magic and respecting its essential nature respects life.  


Male dominion attacks these essentials.


Female pleasure and freedom are both under attack in male dominion.


Women’s reproduction functions optimally when she experiences pleasure in freedom.  


But under male dominion reproduction is harnessed by men for their benefit similar to human’s use of other creatures in captivity. 


But women are not men’s prey!


This perversion has created a sick world.  Where women and mothers are exploited instead of revered.  


Protective boundaries are necessary. 


Proper boundaries of women’s community & deep listening skills can protect women from the exploitation of men’s captivity.  Do you hold adequate boundaries?   


Women must open to the infinite to create life and are inherently vulnerable in that space.  Creation is women’s power, but due to an epidemic lack of women’s boundaries in the backwardness of male dominion, it becomes a weakness.  Again, men are at fault here, as the oppression that creates a lack of boundaries is done to women by men, as are the boundary violations themselves.   


Accessing the infinite requires opening to ‘all that is.’  These moments of openness must be protected from the invasion of harm. 


Men have shown themselves often to be carrying out harm upon women experiencing inherent, life-giving openness.  Thus your ultimate, unequaled power of creating life has come to be seen as your greatest vulnerability.  


Women’s protective abilities for deep listening and the urge to create community are equally inherent to vulnerability. In the absence of these protections, that you are physiologically inclined toward, you allow yourself to be harnessed & hurt.  But emphatically, you CAN change this. 


The protections of women’s boundaries and community are what is being attacked by the physical and cultural genocide of women. The resulting erasure of these protections generates ongoing positive feedback on women’s submission to male dominion.  I want to reverse this.   


Women’s power of creating. 

“In actual fact, the female function is to explore, discover, invent, solve problems crack jokes,
make music — all with love. In other words, create a magic world.”
― Valerie Solanas, SCUM Manifesto

Valerie Solanes expertly summarized women’s power of creating! As an illustration of her understanding of the problem of male dominion, in her book title, S.C.U.M. stands for “Society for Cutting Up Men.”  It wasn’t a satire, but a bold and timely declaration!

*Ways other than reproduction to exercise your womanly creative power:

  • Self-directed ceremony; My goal this summer is to create an earth altar from natural materials.
  • Arts of dance, clay sculpture, painting, drawing, singing, cooking, sewing, and medicine-making.
  • Let your voice be heard through writing and speaking, and embrace opportunities for communication media.

Allow yourself to be fascinated by examining the constant interplay of service and ceremony that is inherent in your creative power.  You’re ready to glimpse infinity, ya?

*not a complete list

You must take 100% responsibility for your part.


Women are habitually submitting to the evil that is male dominion by forgoing our need to attend to ourselves in the absence of men regularly.  In light of this, it’s time for you and me to create and hold firm boundaries.


It’s necessary to hold vulnerability in order to create.  As I said, opening to the infinite is opening to ‘all of it.’  


It’s up to women to take responsibility to stop the invasion of evil in our lives and in the world.  Only you can do this for yourself by committing to your integrity.  


A good first step to committing to integrity is to identify the invasions that compromise yours and name them as unwelcome.  I’ll be listing some of the most common invasions used by male dominion to accomplish women’s submission to oppression, in part 2 of this series.   


Both males and females play a part to enact male dominion, which is a tool of oppression of women, of life, and of Divinity. But it’s important to realize that men, as the bringers of harm, who orchestrate the female oppression that engineers women’s submission to it, are definitely at fault for it.  


Women can still take a stand for the sacredness of life and refuse to submit to male dominion.  We can do this by developing “an individuality that would withstand object status [women’s usual status under male dominion] or defy it” as Andrea Dworkin wrote in “Intercourse” 1987 

Object status is the dehumanizing of women.

Women are experts at self-critique.  Folk/pop singer Jewel described this in her lyric “I hold myself hostage in the mirror.”

Andrea Dworkin, in her book, Intercourse, examines how a woman is judged by her “value on the market as goods.”  The market is men’s approval.

Men chose to see you as an object, so they can use you to serve their own desires with no consideration for your wellbeing, let alone wishes. In general, male dominion is demanding your “self-mutilation,” and “self-diminishing” said Dworkin.

By giving into the cultural pressure to *critique and alter yourself based on your ability to please men (the male gaze) you are collaborating with male dominion.  Why should you give up your freedom like this?                                                                                                                                          *see paragraph “The Universal Strategy,” above

Your humanity demands fairness and freedom for yourself. The thing is, submission, obedience, and the self-harm of coerced self-reconstruction are damaging to your humanity.

Take responsibility by accepting your worth outside of what someone else would use you for, to please themselves, (himself.) Exist for YOU!  Your humanity called, and she demands it!


Fault and responsibility are not the same. 


In summation, male dominion is men’s fault, but your recovery is your responsibility.  As such, here’s how to take it on:


  •   Reinvent your protective individuality.


  • Listen to the ancestral wisdom alive in your body. 


  • Surround yourself with loving sisters. 


  • Boldly create culture including self-directed ceremony and personal authority.


  • Offer your gifts authentically to your community. 


That’s how you can take responsibility for upending male dominion. 

Even though, NO, IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!  You’re in right?

And remember, I can help you with all this!  Schedule your recovery session here: Braiding Sovereignty – Appointedd

In what? The reinvention of the women’s community, of course!


In this reinvention, we must address the fatal flaw of submission which is our self-sabotage and now has us stalled under global oppression.  Given that, the reinvention of women’s community must honor the essentials of pleasure and freedom.


As I already detailed, the sexual-cum-spiritual creativity (that’s Latin, not porn speak,) is anatomically designed and functionally expressed by women alone. This is a significant feature of human female bodies.  


Just as we orgasm and generate new humans with the same reproductive organs, scientists find that women have an abutment of pleasure and creative power reflected in our thinking brains as well. Human female neural anatomy and physiology work to connect sensations of physical pleasure to a sense of a higher power.  This is entirely unique to women. 


In short, you generate your own expansive transcendence by attaching meaning to physical, sensual/sexual bliss. This bliss and its access to a higher power is the basis and origin of women’s, and subsequently, all human culture. 


Bodily bliss gives humanity a sense of belonging and meaning and generates the drive for survival.  In other words, your sexuality inspires your spirituality, which is, rightfully, knowing yourself as Goddess, which in turn inspires your creation of culture.  This is why the insidious male dominion that’s plagued you, targets this critical nexus with coerced disembodiment.  See the importance of committing to embodiment now?         


The return of healthy human culture is up to women.  


Women have the highest known capacity to experience sex as an act of pleasure and bonding and not only for reproduction.  Humans, and just a few other species, use sex for more than reproduction, but in fact, it’s only women who actually possess genitals solely designed to feel pleasure, and neural pathways between that pleasure and spiritual/cosmic awareness.  


The clitoris is a vast, dynamic, and amazingly sensitive structure and plays no direct role in reproduction.  In other words, men remain in an unevolved state of sexual functioning relative to women. 


With primate menstruation, women’s sexual activity became a matter of choice, untethered to reproduction.  This put us beyond men who cannot separate orgasm from potential fertilization.  


Women’s sexual functioning has had a huge impact on the development of the species.  Through our pleasure and connection women not only create babies in our wombs, but in the same way, we make life livable for them.


Women even make life livable for the men who brutally oppress us. Even more important to realize is that you can make life much more livable for you too simply by reintroducing the autonomy and pleasure you are built for.


Women are uniquely designed to orchestrate systems of human survival that create community, joy, integrity, and autonomy. Embodiment is your primary need to fulfill the deeply rooted role as a creatrix (Latin again, feminine of “creator”) of life and the culture that sustains it.  


 Women are the core.


Women are Goddess.  The superior, original sex, the sole generative force of life, and the primary generative force of culture, through superior biology. 


If you struggle to remember this, just recall how, in “actual fact,” as Valerie Solanes put it,  women hold more meaningful power than men.  Any stilted young woman will tell you her run-away lover does not equate lovemaking with blissful, spiritual transcendence.  


But no need to ask her. Scientists have studied men’s brain anatomy too.  


There is no indication in men’s bodies or behavior that sensations of physical pleasure generate a mystical experience.   


Monica Sjoo and Barbara Mor wrote in The Great Cosmic Mother; “Contemporary researchers have found biological connections between religious trance experience and female sexuality.  In women’s brains, there are unique neural links between the forebrain and the cerebellum, which allow sensations of physical pleasure to be directly integrated into the neocortex or high brain center.  This explains why some women experience orgasm so intense that they enter a “religious” trance or altered states of consciousness.  And this ecstatic female orgasmic experience, in which the physical and spiritual are fused and realized as one, is at the core of all mystical experience.”

And mystical, meaningful experience is the core of culture. Woman, you are the core.


Part 2

Coming soon!

In the meantime, please comment with your thoughts!  Plus schedule your sexual assault recovery, trauma debrief, or sexual-spiritual power activation session at the links below.

Contact – Braiding Sovereignty (

  Braiding Sovereignty – Appointedd