Welcome to Braiding Sovereignty!

A  reclamation platform for women's sexual assault recovery.


Hi, I’m Kelsey Hitch

Female Liberation Educator | Recovery Aficionado|  Women's Leader


 Here at Braiding Sovereignty, you are lovingly supported to face the reality of, and to acheive liberation from, global female oppression.


Tenets of Braiding Sovereignty:


I trust you are ready to cultivate self-love that is not contingent on male approval and to unlearn internalized patterns of complicity with male dominance.   I call on your willingness to trust yourself and other women, as Goddess, and I’m thrilled to begin to stand together with you in gloriously sovereign female solidarity.


1)  Radical Feminist Education:

Ignorance is a tool of oppression that is so beautifully undone by women’s voices!  Hidden truths are exposed and discussed here.


2)  Physiological Transformation:

Transforming your female physiology is an integral function of womanhood.  Women own this power.  And yet, this prowess is often damaged when the realms of women's bodies are ritualistically invaded as sexual inferiors in the culture of male dominance we know today.  Now is the time to reclaim your birthright to transform!  Using somatic techniques and embodiment strategies to come home to yourself as Goddess you will discover & navigate immense and glorious power.


3)  Emotional Self-Mastery:

A specific, functional commitment to honing poise whilst in the depths of emotion, a poise to swiftly clear the path to the body’s sacred, protective knowing.  Here at Braiding Sovereignty, it is understood that though victimization is utterly real, so too is our power to hold the borders of our selfhood against its attacks.


4)   Self-Directected Ceremony:

Ceremony is a gateway to open the dance joining our earthly aspect with an infinite power surpassing the limitations of this life.  Here at Braiding Sovereignty, we beckon Divinity with candor in frequent, dynamic, and authentic ceremonies.



These tenets are the blueprint behind all of the offerings of Braiding Sovereignty.


FREE Workbook!

Points of Power: Self-Directed Ceremonies in 4 Steps

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    • Braiding Changes: A Woman's Liberation Course for Recovery from Sexual Assault and Global Female Oppression Coming Spring '24
    •    Coaching with Kelsey:  Specific, personalized recovery coaching based on Braiding Sovereignty's four tenets; and/or trauma debriefing for sex-based violence including rape, sexual assault, domestic violence and obstetric abuse.

    Women, I welcome you to schedule a free 25  minute exploration session.

    "I know I can broaden the definition of winning to the point where I can't lose." Audrey Lorde


    *45 and 90 minute sessions also available.

    About Kelsey Hitch


    A graduate of the Radical Birthkeeper School by Freebirth Society.  She also completed her yoga teacher training with the Sola School in Portland, Or in 2013.

    She offers women's liberation and sexual assault recovery coaching, birth consultation and witnessing, and radical feminist education.

    She holds and teaches about creating sacred ceremony and space for the Divine Feminine, from what's at hand.

    She is passionate about connecting to women who, like her, are recovering from wounds inflicted by sex-based oppression and assault, in groups and one-on-one.

    She is a mother to four children between 6 and 22, including one she freebirthed, and two of the others born at home.

    Currently unschooling three daughters.  She is a seeker of self-mastery and Divine worship.

    Her favorite move is a back walkover.


    Contact Kelsey

    [email protected]
